"How do I find my Student/Teacher eCard Number?
On February 26, 2019, the LPL announced a new partnership with Livingston Parish Public Schools (LPPS) to provide all students and educators with an LPL eCard. This eCard grants immediate access to all electronic resources provided by the Library: eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines & Newspapers, eComics, Movies & TV, and Music. "

Hours of Operation:
The library is open from 7:00 to 3:10 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Library books are checked out for two weeks. Books can be renewed at any time for an additional two weeks. Students having overdue book will be charged ten cents ($.10) a day.Some reference books can be checked out for overnight use.If kept for more than over a day, overdue charge for reference books is twenty-five cents ($.25) a day.Return books anytime in the book drop at the circulation desk below the computer.Students must have ID card to check out books.
Temporary I.D.'s can be purchased for one dollar ($1.00) before school.New picture I.D.s can be purchased for five dollars ($5.00) before school.
Reference Desk www.refdesk.com
Homework Help www.HomeworkLA.org
Spark Notes www.sparknotes.com
Library of Congress www.loc.gov
Online Encyclopedia www.britannica.com
Internet Public Library www.ipl.org
World Book Online www.worldbookonline.com
Citation Machine www.citationmachine.net
Thesaurus thesaurus.reference.com
ACT Information www.actstudent.org/index.html
SAT Information www.collegeboard.com
Livingston Parish
Public Libraries www.mylpl.info
East Baton
Rouge Public Libraries www.ebrpl.com
Novelist Plus search.ebscohost.com
User Name: dshs Password: Denham@9844